Lucy turned six months old last Saturday. In a way, I don't feel like she should be six months old yet. But then I think about when she was born and it feels like a lifetime ago.
We had another doctor visit and another round of shots. She is a solid 17 and a half pounds and is able to roll all over the place. She is now eating jar foods and seems to like squash the best so far. The doctor recommended the meat baby food, too. Blech. That stuff is kind of disgusting. It looks like dog food and smells like the devil. She loves it though! Laps it right up.
For Labor Day weekend, we took a road trip to Sugar Land to visit my family. We got as far as Dallas, at which point we passed Lucy off to my brother and sister-in-law who were also headed to my parents' for the weekend, and they drove her the rest of the way, brave souls. She slept the whole time, thank goodness. We stayed 2 nights in Dallas, Lucy-free, to take part in grown-up dinners out, irresponsible bedtimes, uninterrupted sleep, and the OU-BYU football game at the new Cowboys stadium.
Apparently Lucy was the toast of my parents' home in Sugar Land while we lived it up in Dallas. I don't think she has gotten that much attention since the day she was born. We were initially concerned that it might be an imposition to ask my parents to babysit for that long, but the evidence will show that quite the opposite is true.
While in the Houston area, we took Lucy to meet her great-grandparents (Jerrod's maternal grandparents), Memaw and Pepaw. Our timing was perfect; Memaw passed away suddenly a week after our visit. Someday when we tell Lucy about Memaw, we'll be able to say, "You met her. You were there." I am so thankful for that.
Progress continues on our house. We have a roof and windows, and they started bricking today. We'll probably be able to close and move in late October or early November. Can't happen soon enough. We are popping at the seams in our current home.
Lucy is more fun all the time, and I would do anything to make her happy. I thank God for her every single day because I don't know what I have ever done to deserve her.
What a great post! She is precious!
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